Drilling holes or ‘thread tapping’ on site i.e.: building sites, shipyards, constructions and installations. Drilling up till 150 diameter, is possible with the use of a portable magnetic drill. Holes can be drilled either straight or at a desired angle in pipelines, apparatus or constructions in every desired diameter. Holes can be drilled either straight or at a desired angle in pipelines, apparatus or constructions in every desired diameter. Holes in machinery can be achieved with a line-drill.
This machining technique can be used on any desired location, offshore or onshore. When hinged fittings are worn or they are undersized we can drill these to the required dimensions. Turning shaft and rudder shafts will be measured and drilled to the required dimensions. When line drilling only tolerances of precisely 0.00mm to 0.04mm can be used The markets where we do most of our work are, among others: construction and reparations of ships, cranes, bridges, construction parts and digging machines. Activities are performed on location as it is not always possible to move the activities to a machining factory or the transport costs are so high that it saves money to line drill on site. In both cases the line drill travels to the job instead of bringing the job to the drill.